The Final Ferry

The Final Ferry

Thursday, November 14, 2019

On Hope And Delusion, And The Future Of "Intelligence."

I keep saying that people should try to get out of the human box, but practically none of them manage. Those who believe themselves to be prime intellectuals will usually tell me that "There is no box!" and be done with this irritating bitch.
Humans are intelligent beings, the only ones in the universe (except for those legendary 'alien who think exactly like humans - which is why we need to beware of them - that they sometimes speculate about. Why aren't they visiting us already ?). So if there is someone for whom no boxes exist, it must surely be them - humans, especially intellectual humans, the cream of all creams.

It's the tragedy of this stage of biological evolution, that has reached a level of associative potential but cannot focus it for being welded to the reflective, emotional drive-sphere that life foms need in a merciless evolution, to survive and be more successful than others rather than objectively successful - as seen from outside the box.
The hominid is, by its ability of making the ignorance of the existence of boxes (IEB) into a law that it will tell me "stands above the laws of nature" (sic), condemned to fall back into the lower regions of the evolution it rose from, because its level of awareness proves to provide an insufficient image of reality.

This is so as the more conscious primates became of their surroundings, and of how complex and dangerous reality could be, it not only developed means to change that environment, but also measures how to mentally avoid that reality, not think about it by creating alternative realities in its mind, dreams, illusions.
The human being evolved into being delusional, highly "reality-resistant."
Being delusional is therefore a human right That the human will defend to the last, it's the most potent drug it craves, it's an essence humans can hardly do without.
Its most obvious manifestation is hope. Humanity would long be extinct without that, and hope and wishful thinking go together well.

That humans are unable to see beyond their animal drives is something we all know from experience. We plan and act short-term and with little understanding of the long-term effects on the environment. We fail to understand other life forms, whom we instead expect to understand us, and mercilessly 'punish if they don't - this proves our high intelligence. Repeat it often enough, and you'll believe it... you've been taught this since you could understand human language, which took forever - but you don't remember that because your brain is anything but a precise recorder of information... just pointing out a few realities here.

So what is the ultimate human hope ? The afterlife of course.
Life before death sucks as it's somehow still ridden with realities, but after...
Look at the Muslims, they're convinced, at an average IQ level of 85, that they have found the Ultimate Perspective of Everything (UPE) in the self-projection into omnipotence of a delusional, entirely uninformed bedouin, and they insist on knowing nothing else, or else, which is a great example of how the human mind works.
So what will they do in said afterlife, paradise, heaven ? Live like they live on Earth right now, only much, much better. More of everything, and lotsa fornication. This proves they're not just animals, see ?
Yo. That's all humans are able to imagine/project with their famous 'intelligence,' and that's why I'm saying there is a human box, and that humans are not an intelligent species...

Not in the sense of rational intelligence at least. Humans are philosophical animals, and they had created a mythical world full of dark romance and legends, and while that has been totally destroyed by mercantilism using science as a market-enhancing weapon, a vacuum was created instead, and that vacuum is killing the West, killing culture, killing humanity's power to resist sinking into a Mouse Utopia like a species of rodents - because without using our delusionality's strong side, as in spirituality, we're nothing but scavengers, led by psychopaths whose only desire is staying on top so they can live in wasteful luxury, which is relative (no rich exist without the poor, they always need something a little bit better. This is why a rich man of the 1500s would look like a backward peasant on unhealthy fare today, lower middle-classs maybe.

This is why humans, herd animals who only strive to have high status withing  the peer group, will fight for relative riches, for "economy," till the ecology of the planet breaks down, even the rainbow warriors. The "Green" politicians all have villas in Tuscany, they're in the windmill business... humans have a hard time to care about anything but... humans, of course. That is the human box, and the natural limit of human intelligence. There's no way out, most don't even understand it exists.

There are now movements (besides Islam) that fanatically work to ensure that scientific progress is stopped, that mankind steps out of the evolutionary process and stays in forever stasis, and to reach that goal they are deconstructing the educational system and trying to enforce the criminalization of both truth and logic...

(This essay is unfinished. Too little time so far)

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