The Final Ferry

The Final Ferry

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Where you're at... a short orientational essay

Life is good, you have eat !
Heading straight into a giant evolutionary decline, the enlightened.human scavenger animal is lead by psychopathic geniuses.
Some of them hire useful didacts to spread feelgood, talking about how efficient we are at making useless disposable junk that needs to be bought and consumed in order to keep The Economy going indefinitely. So good ! Then again...
We’re not living in the best moment of human history.
We’re living in the time of disposable consumer products and disposable consumers.
We’re living in a time where people are seen as replaceable, interchangeable cogs for the machinery that keeps putting garbage on supermarket shelves.
Everyone is equal, so it’s all the same if you live or die.
We’re not fighting against famine or the plague.
Our battle isn’t material in nature.
Our battle is a spiritual one.
Religion is just a flavor you choose.
You don’t have a past.
You don’t have a future.
You don’t have an identity.
You’re not really here for a reason, so enjoy all of these gadgets and taste all of these flavors. Indulge in all of these pleasures...
(Chapeau to Pomidor Quixote ;)

We have four cultures now, the African one which represents the Stone Age (with some added western technology), Islam, which represents the Iron Age on bad steroids (with some added western technology), the Asian one which may represent the future (hastened by western technology that they are actually capable to use and enhance), the soon to be Communist Homo- Paradise West at IQ 90 that the West is being turned into, and the Robber Baron Psychopathic Elite Culture (ROB.PEC), which now rules the West and is hoping to rule the planet, forever.
To achieve this, they understand that they need to STOP HUMAN EVOLUTION. It's not hard to do, the only culture that made any progress, by at least changing the human psych somewhat, as well as creating lots of tech, has been the western one lately, and mostly.
So that is exactly what they need to  destroy, to get the job done and enjoy their alpha status for much longer as it would otherwise be possible. They're achieving this by thinning out the western/white brain potential, via migration, thinning-out of cultural traditions ("multiculturalism") and migration (moonshining the genetics that made the West).

When I look back, this became obvious after the Moon landing in 1969 -   Kennedy had to die to make the sudden shift from space exploration towards social justice possible.
This species will never leave the planet, it will exist to stroke and lick its dominant alpha's hairy genitals, which is after all what good little primates are supposed to do. Intelligence (in the sense of logical reasoning and association) was a dangerous stray from the robust, bloody path of evolution, so the healthy ape kicks it off the rim of his flat Earth where it belongs, and goes back where the stable smell is.  Enjoy !

Because the meaning of life of a non-animal like the human is to rut and eat delicious, kill and maim and have as many orgasms as possible, and dream of more of the same in heaven. While alive, the greatest urge is higher status in the herd. That's it, and we'll make bloody sure there'll never be anything else - because what the hell could that even be ?
So there you are, and that's where you're going.
As to the Asians, at this time they may have a chance, but there's already 'liberal" movements among them who dream of a high influx of Muslim Africans to soften up the rigid rules of their traditional societies...
A robber baron aristocracy is the most likely outcome, because human primate genetic hardwiring is very to that of, say, baboons, who are led by alpha males.
Add some associative powers caused by larger brains and you get some feminism et cetera, and you have the humins. Had to happen.

We lived like that for millions of years, and when the Age of Reason began to endanger the status quo, the "Elites" decided to strike back and save it, and the low-IQ herd is blissfully praising them,believing in the upcoming "Communist" paradise. We're not an intelligent species, obviously. So, do the "Elites" even understand what they are doing ? Most have no idea, they will attend Bilderberg and think they're being part of "human progress."
But some will fully understand it and think it's the only way to go.

So why worry ? This is a perfectly natural development.
But excuse the few who never felt they belonged here, not even as a part of the robber baron master race. Or rather, we'll excuse ourselves.
We tried but one can't teach stupid.

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