The Final Ferry

The Final Ferry

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Where you're at... a short orientational essay

Life is good, you have eat !
Heading straight into a giant evolutionary decline, the enlightened.human scavenger animal is lead by psychopathic geniuses.
Some of them hire useful didacts to spread feelgood, talking about how efficient we are at making useless disposable junk that needs to be bought and consumed in order to keep The Economy going indefinitely. So good ! Then again...
We’re not living in the best moment of human history.
We’re living in the time of disposable consumer products and disposable consumers.
We’re living in a time where people are seen as replaceable, interchangeable cogs for the machinery that keeps putting garbage on supermarket shelves.
Everyone is equal, so it’s all the same if you live or die.
We’re not fighting against famine or the plague.
Our battle isn’t material in nature.
Our battle is a spiritual one.
Religion is just a flavor you choose.
You don’t have a past.
You don’t have a future.
You don’t have an identity.
You’re not really here for a reason, so enjoy all of these gadgets and taste all of these flavors. Indulge in all of these pleasures...
(Chapeau to Pomidor Quixote ;)

We have four cultures now, the African one which represents the Stone Age (with some added western technology), Islam, which represents the Iron Age on bad steroids (with some added western technology), the Asian one which may represent the future (hastened by western technology that they are actually capable to use and enhance), the soon to be Communist Homo- Paradise West at IQ 90 that the West is being turned into, and the Robber Baron Psychopathic Elite Culture (ROB.PEC), which now rules the West and is hoping to rule the planet, forever.
To achieve this, they understand that they need to STOP HUMAN EVOLUTION. It's not hard to do, the only culture that made any progress, by at least changing the human psych somewhat, as well as creating lots of tech, has been the western one lately, and mostly.
So that is exactly what they need to  destroy, to get the job done and enjoy their alpha status for much longer as it would otherwise be possible. They're achieving this by thinning out the western/white brain potential, via migration, thinning-out of cultural traditions ("multiculturalism") and migration (moonshining the genetics that made the West).

When I look back, this became obvious after the Moon landing in 1969 -   Kennedy had to die to make the sudden shift from space exploration towards social justice possible.
This species will never leave the planet, it will exist to stroke and lick its dominant alpha's hairy genitals, which is after all what good little primates are supposed to do. Intelligence (in the sense of logical reasoning and association) was a dangerous stray from the robust, bloody path of evolution, so the healthy ape kicks it off the rim of his flat Earth where it belongs, and goes back where the stable smell is.  Enjoy !

Because the meaning of life of a non-animal like the human is to rut and eat delicious, kill and maim and have as many orgasms as possible, and dream of more of the same in heaven. While alive, the greatest urge is higher status in the herd. That's it, and we'll make bloody sure there'll never be anything else - because what the hell could that even be ?
So there you are, and that's where you're going.
As to the Asians, at this time they may have a chance, but there's already 'liberal" movements among them who dream of a high influx of Muslim Africans to soften up the rigid rules of their traditional societies...
A robber baron aristocracy is the most likely outcome, because human primate genetic hardwiring is very to that of, say, baboons, who are led by alpha males.
Add some associative powers caused by larger brains and you get some feminism et cetera, and you have the humins. Had to happen.

We lived like that for millions of years, and when the Age of Reason began to endanger the status quo, the "Elites" decided to strike back and save it, and the low-IQ herd is blissfully praising them,believing in the upcoming "Communist" paradise. We're not an intelligent species, obviously. So, do the "Elites" even understand what they are doing ? Most have no idea, they will attend Bilderberg and think they're being part of "human progress."
But some will fully understand it and think it's the only way to go.

So why worry ? This is a perfectly natural development.
But excuse the few who never felt they belonged here, not even as a part of the robber baron master race. Or rather, we'll excuse ourselves.
We tried but one can't teach stupid.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

See through my eyes - Portugal, Spain... Lost Camera. Lonely Planet, No People. Cheers ;)

Seabirds near Punta Paloma
Sierra de Aracena
Portuguese Reservoir

Next year's figs
The Dancer
Lights Out
Stat Flos Pristinus Nomine
Last Lilly
Autumn Almanac
Move Upcoast
I admit it : a lens test
The Race Is Run
Atlas Mountains
On The Tejo
Killer Queen
Los Lances
The Two VS. Gibraltar
Dire Straits
The Garden
Vive les vidanges
Beach Boy
Nalito La Bête

 Tangiers (on top) as seen from Europe

La Mujer Muerta

The woods are lovely, dark and deep...


The Tannhaeuser Gate

Thursday, November 14, 2019

On Hope And Delusion, And The Future Of "Intelligence."

I keep saying that people should try to get out of the human box, but practically none of them manage. Those who believe themselves to be prime intellectuals will usually tell me that "There is no box!" and be done with this irritating bitch.
Humans are intelligent beings, the only ones in the universe (except for those legendary 'alien who think exactly like humans - which is why we need to beware of them - that they sometimes speculate about. Why aren't they visiting us already ?). So if there is someone for whom no boxes exist, it must surely be them - humans, especially intellectual humans, the cream of all creams.

It's the tragedy of this stage of biological evolution, that has reached a level of associative potential but cannot focus it for being welded to the reflective, emotional drive-sphere that life foms need in a merciless evolution, to survive and be more successful than others rather than objectively successful - as seen from outside the box.
The hominid is, by its ability of making the ignorance of the existence of boxes (IEB) into a law that it will tell me "stands above the laws of nature" (sic), condemned to fall back into the lower regions of the evolution it rose from, because its level of awareness proves to provide an insufficient image of reality.

This is so as the more conscious primates became of their surroundings, and of how complex and dangerous reality could be, it not only developed means to change that environment, but also measures how to mentally avoid that reality, not think about it by creating alternative realities in its mind, dreams, illusions.
The human being evolved into being delusional, highly "reality-resistant."
Being delusional is therefore a human right That the human will defend to the last, it's the most potent drug it craves, it's an essence humans can hardly do without.
Its most obvious manifestation is hope. Humanity would long be extinct without that, and hope and wishful thinking go together well.

That humans are unable to see beyond their animal drives is something we all know from experience. We plan and act short-term and with little understanding of the long-term effects on the environment. We fail to understand other life forms, whom we instead expect to understand us, and mercilessly 'punish if they don't - this proves our high intelligence. Repeat it often enough, and you'll believe it... you've been taught this since you could understand human language, which took forever - but you don't remember that because your brain is anything but a precise recorder of information... just pointing out a few realities here.

So what is the ultimate human hope ? The afterlife of course.
Life before death sucks as it's somehow still ridden with realities, but after...
Look at the Muslims, they're convinced, at an average IQ level of 85, that they have found the Ultimate Perspective of Everything (UPE) in the self-projection into omnipotence of a delusional, entirely uninformed bedouin, and they insist on knowing nothing else, or else, which is a great example of how the human mind works.
So what will they do in said afterlife, paradise, heaven ? Live like they live on Earth right now, only much, much better. More of everything, and lotsa fornication. This proves they're not just animals, see ?
Yo. That's all humans are able to imagine/project with their famous 'intelligence,' and that's why I'm saying there is a human box, and that humans are not an intelligent species...

Not in the sense of rational intelligence at least. Humans are philosophical animals, and they had created a mythical world full of dark romance and legends, and while that has been totally destroyed by mercantilism using science as a market-enhancing weapon, a vacuum was created instead, and that vacuum is killing the West, killing culture, killing humanity's power to resist sinking into a Mouse Utopia like a species of rodents - because without using our delusionality's strong side, as in spirituality, we're nothing but scavengers, led by psychopaths whose only desire is staying on top so they can live in wasteful luxury, which is relative (no rich exist without the poor, they always need something a little bit better. This is why a rich man of the 1500s would look like a backward peasant on unhealthy fare today, lower middle-classs maybe.

This is why humans, herd animals who only strive to have high status withing  the peer group, will fight for relative riches, for "economy," till the ecology of the planet breaks down, even the rainbow warriors. The "Green" politicians all have villas in Tuscany, they're in the windmill business... humans have a hard time to care about anything but... humans, of course. That is the human box, and the natural limit of human intelligence. There's no way out, most don't even understand it exists.

There are now movements (besides Islam) that fanatically work to ensure that scientific progress is stopped, that mankind steps out of the evolutionary process and stays in forever stasis, and to reach that goal they are deconstructing the educational system and trying to enforce the criminalization of both truth and logic...

(This essay is unfinished. Too little time so far)

Friday, November 08, 2019

Why Stay When You Can Catch The Galaxy Train ?

I tested this out but I'm unsure if it would be wise to try and market it ;)
The subject is unpopular, fear being the key...
And even if I sold a parcel at $ 500 or something, wouldn't statal actors be interfering in the name of 'human ethics,' as in FEAR OF REALITY ?
So, here's the tech, use it if you must.

CO, pronounced "see-oh," is NOT the hipster drug for EVERYBODY, especially NOT for young Simians on a bad trip - it's sort of a one way deal - it's really just for THE FEW whose alternative would be slow death, and who therefore prefer a fast one. In such a case, how to get out of the brutal evolutionary box? How can I void my personal share in decentralized entropy slightly before it's due?  #suicide #boredom

#carbonmonoxide #co #formic #sulphuric #demise
You either stay beyond the self-consciousness horizon or are above it, in the latter case you understand that all this will end, and that you can at least influence how and when that happens if you take the initiative, rather than being a plaything of circumstance like any old low-IQ primate.

For practical reasons, as historical actors did, I have chosen the Carbon Monoxide method to esplore, and the formic-acid/sulphuric acid method for its generation. This post deals with how probably best to go about it in practice - I will supply photos and information.

We will theoretically use a hermetic room with a volume of 10 cubic meters or, in lieu of that,  a car of ~5 interior cubic meters, we use 6 liters of formic acid and 6 of sulphuric, several plastic containers and plastic tubing, and water (to filter out unpleasant, aggressive acid fumes).

The setup will guarantee that within the perimeter, a CO concentration of about 2.5% or 25.000 ppm is reached, which will secure the switching off of most brain cells, causing painless demise inside a few minutes of inhalation.
Is this so far understood ? Then we can begin with our four practical chapters, at the end of which there will be lights out and no more exceptional IQ before the sows. What we see as intelligence is counter-evolutionary, anyway - we want egalitarianism now,  go straight backward into the mud flats to take the species right out of that objectivity jazz forever.

ZERO (0) - introduction. This. It's already done - go away now.
ONE (1) - the hardware, mixing and fabrication of the chemical(s)
TWO (2) - fact sheet : chemistry, biological use of CO in air-breathing sentients
THREE (3) - pictures + miscellaneous

ONE (1). Hardware in this case should be on the overkill side, using a 10 cbm room to create a CO atmosphere of more than 20.000 ppm, where basically 1.600 would be sufficient if somewhat frugal. Meaning we need not be entirely squeamish about detail... first, 6 liters each of the necessary acids, this being 85% formic acid and 98% sulphuric, simply because that's what they had lying around at the drug stores. You may not get both from the same place, probably being a discreet individual. 

I chose a large water 55-l-container from a hardware/garden store at 50 Euros, that beige one in the pictures. I did a test with a small amount of both acids, in smaller containers (see images) to find out how well this works with little effort, and it worked exceedingly well. I am using 1 3/8th" green tubing to connect the container with the acid fume filter (see image), from which the CO gas will then stream into the, uh, bed room. I made this little extra bed room really comfy and cozy of course.

The reaction is controlled by a plastic bag inside the container - the formic acid must be entered directly into the container first, beware of the fumes, then follows the bag (do wear plastic gloves and handle acids like eggs always, have a full water jar close by in case you have to wash off acid drops) and finally, once you're serious, the sulphuric is added into the suspended plastic bag, which is then dropped and the opening closed and screwed down tightly (I use additional teflon tape to seal off all screwed and/or stuck connections). We're not going to waste anything, are we.
Then, the container must be patiently shaken not stirred, for a couple of minutes - after 4-6 minutes, the reaction will stop. You can now feel that the container has been warmed up by around 30 degrees or so, by the chemical reaction. 

Zoom through the green tube...

The CO, coming from the filter, 'washed' by the water inside it, goes straight into an arrangement of plastic sacks, which gives me the option of containing the CO for maybe an hour (I actually fit three such sacks into one, it  can be done, to stop the CO from escaping and ruining the act, you can never be sure something is 100% tight. I tested that as well ;), inside the 10 cbm room, slice them open with a razor blade... to let the gas escape at will.
Time to be able to savour your favorite alcoholic concoction, and cuddle inside a prearranged body bag with a good book, and get this all exactly the way I want it (don't over-complicate it though. Isn't that what life is about for the advanced human primate ? The only thing you won't be able to get rid of, in the cozy room or car or tent, is the horrible morbidity of it all.

TWO (2). In essence, death is always (defined as) brain death, as the human miracle angel is really just a biological life form, an ape, the emanation a genome uses to replicate itself, a mammal with a central nervous system to steer its entire metabolism, a system also known in part as a brain. It consist of billions of nerve cells connected to lots more in the body parts... once a decisive part of the brain (a massive organ) is damaged beyond repair, the entire organism stops working and begins to decay. 

What counts for us is that the part we delusionally identify as 'us,' the conscious=awake circuits of the brain, go right to sleep, and never wake up again.

To assure this, we (only) need to kill a relatively small but essential part of the brain straight at the center where it all connects... and make damn sure of that - not the so-called "higher functions" that deal with interesting fantasy constructs as life after death or gender theory. Bullshit won't kill you...
Assuming we wanted to reach this goal by shooting ourselves in the head, then we would have to take a very disciplined, sober and educated aim, the way professional killers do.

Of course, even a bad shot would most likely kill us because the overall trauma would damage most of the brain, but there is too much insecurity in that - we want it painless, risk-free, so to speak. So we don't shoot, we don't gulp pills (too indirect). Hanging is a good method, as one Jeff E. recently proved, or was proven, all of this is death by asphyxiation - brain no longer gets oxygen, goes into exhaust-sleep. If well done, it's a cool death but there are anti-strangling reflexes to mind.
Some breathe in nitrogen or helium etc., exchanging that gas for the necessary amount of oxygen... abt 2/3rds of our air is nitrogen, so imagine you just amplify that percentage till  there's hardly any O2 left and you die. Just as an overview.

Seems circumstantial to me. CO is the natural choice (what could be more natural than carbon and oxygen ?), it will immediately adhere to the hemoglobin of the blood through breathing, blocking the normal oxygen off about 250:1, and the entire body will go to sleep, the entire brain will stop functioning all at once as all oxygen is rapidly replaced with CO. No alarm, just loss of function. Now that is perfection ! It just takes a few seconds and is the most perfect way to asphyxiate, yet.

There are NO negative side effects to CO as such.
There are negative side effects to losing consciousness, to dying of course, as the organism dislikes to give up its function and has built-in alarm mechanisms and reflexes, which we however manage to entirely avoid. Asphyxiation/lack of oxygen can be uncomfortable if you use other methods than CO, or very low concentrations, dying itself can cause spasms etc. Here are the CO levels you can successfully work with, and symptoms that have been observed, that are not caused by CO, but by lack of oxygen as such :

1,600 ppm (0.16%), (1.6‰) Headache, increased heart rate, dizziness, and nausea within 20 min; death in less than 2 hours
3,200 ppm (0.32%), (3.2‰) Headache, dizziness and nausea in five to ten minutes. Death within 30 minutes.
6,400 ppm (0.64%), (6.4‰) Headache and dizziness in one to two minutes. Convulsions, respiratory arrest, and death in less than 20 minutes.
12,800 ppm (1.28%), (12.8‰) Unconsciousness after 2–3 breaths. Death in less than three minutes.

I wouldn't be too concerned about headaches etc., it's comparable to studying in an overheated, overpopulated library in winter - what, nobody does that anymore, study ? They all watch porn ? Yeah I know, we're going back to the caves again - relax.
What does it matter ;)

THREE (3) I'm adding the images here in a more or less chronological order. Read the description above and things should fall into place.

I'm using more of the green tubing actually, leading through wall from bath room (where I mix) to bed room. This is another reason for the additional CO-containing sacks (see below)
Filter box : will be 70% filled with soap water. I tested, and it will filter out all the (substantial and dangerous) acid fumes. You could add an extra charcoal filter above this but that's complicated. This will suffice - I tested it, no problem.
Simple trash bag insert for the sulphuric. S is heavier than F and will rapidly sink to the bottom, so you have to shake the container for about 5 minutes, to assure maximum reaction between the two substances. F will disintegrate into CO and water, which tends to slow down the reaction... S will stay as is, but be thinned, while the CO mostly leaves through the green tube, to be caught up in the sacks (minus 50 liters which stay inside the container). The S (H2SO4) can later be re-used - by the undead, though certainly not by yourself if you're successful, which is likely.
I tested with 2.5 liters S + F each, and got about 150 liters of CO in the sack.
There's another 50 l still in the container of course, it will stay there.
As you can see, I did this (store the CO-in-a-sack) test without using the acid fumes filter. It's a simple way to find out exactly how much pure CO you can produce - no need to invest in  fancy gadgets.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

No More Heroes !

Will all statues and monuments on the planet have to be torn down, one of the reasons being that they incarnate Cognitive Privilege ?  To be sure, there are a few statues of African Blacks (designed by Europeans) - while Islam even forbids all and any such monuments - they regularly tear down those made by others, recently with Globalist help. While there's  quite a number of monuments in both European and Asian cultures - native American ones made at least attempts - but does this fact allow us to draw the conclusion that statues are a sign of privilege ?
The answer must be YES - absolutely !
Activists of the less privileged races seem to agree... the Mayor of New Orleans even recently said that monuments of historical figures MUST be taken down IF these figures, from our ultimately wise perspective, "stood on the wrong side of history."  Is he discriminating ALL or just some losers here ? This man being a liberal intellectual, he must however be correct.

So what about statues depicting People Of Black Color ? There's one to Martin Luther King, one to Tupac Shakur (an important musical personality who died what can be interpreted as a culture-related natural death in 1996, and there's a few others - but they were all evidently BORN the right side of history - so far... would Blacks also be on the right side of history if they were, say, defeated conquerors or generals ?
An interesting question I couldn't yet find an answer to. Maybe I'll be successful in my attempt to talk the South African authorities into erecting a really significant statue of Shaka Zulu. One that shows the spirit of a guy who had millions killed, and still remains on the right side of history for being a fat old black (rather than white) guy.
Then again he might fall under smart privilege, he was definitely clever enough to invent the assegai, and the removed statue insults him with the looks of a bronzed white guy...

Above : SA President Zuma and a guy named Goodwill Zwelithini in front of Shaka's (now removed) statue at Durban airport.  Official removal reason, "looks too peaceful" - designed by a Whitesperson, he does remind me of white idealizations of Chief Seattle and other "Noble Savages."
Below : Famous Confederate General B. "Brick Wall" Lancaster in his famous black SS uniform, being assegai'd by a Prosemitic Zulu warrior. Guess who's with privilege, and who's on the right side of history.

Saturday, August 05, 2017

The Frankfurt School Failed to Think Outside The Box

It's not a simplification to say that the Frankfurt School believed that Western Society, which those supremacist hypocrites regarded the only human society worth mentioning (whereas we now know that all cultures are the same), had been the reason and source for all human misery, enslavement and mental tyranny.
There weren't any neuroanthropologists within the Frankfurt School... it was an entirely human(ocentr)ist  body of learning, influenced by the confusingly rough tides of the first half of the 20th century much the same way these things influenced personalities like Coudenhove-Kalergi and Adolf Hitler, and with the specialty that its members were almost exclusively Jewish, which gave the matter that special, paranoid twang, as a rather obsessive people finds itself in the constant danger of excommunication or purge.

To make this clear right away, I'm not an enemy of their conclusions - the Current-Year Pseudoleftists are. They are radical communists, ever-juvenile Anarcho-Transsexualists rather than adherents of a more or less complex philosophical concept. But as Conservatives these days always seem to blame "Cultural Marxism" on the Frankfurt School, let's clear a few things up about the Horkheimer crowd and what sets them apart from today's Antifa wannabee fighters - these would-be successors of the Frankfurt School, who are largely NOT Jewish and certainly not objectively oppressed by anything but boredom, but who are leisure people living in comfort and comparative opulence, who became fanatics blindly lashing out at human nature itself - which they hate in themselves - rather than really fighting a specialized sociopolitical system.

Several generations of spoilt western children are once again trying what has been tried 100 years ago, and will fail again, either in practice after seventy years or under the influx of Islam within two decades, in any case it will crash on the rocks of  human nature. Where the Frankenfurters wanted to correct, the Juveniles hope to destroy, they want perpetual revolution as in let's get high on something.
Obviously, it's human nature that makes societies hierarchical, that makes alpha animals and doesn't allow everybody to have the same voice, obviously it is nature that creates different sexes and individuals with different strengths, and obviously the human primate is a bit of a freak of that nature, to say the least.
Obviously, human society has experimented a lot with offering up a "rational" explanation, Gods thinking like humans made Heaven and Earth being one, let's pray to them - very telling, and erred more than a few times - there is nothing wrong with trying to point out such mistakes and trying to correct them. It can however be fatal to assume that we're the most intelligent people ever because all the others are now dead, and anyway we know so much more from watching movies and being indoctrinated by academics whom the Frankenfurters schooled,
The generations of well-fed postwar kids who started to take over institutions in the late 1960s, and seem to be the Norman Normals of today, are too impatient and too easily irritated.
They have zero tolerance and are demanding 10% tolerance from all others (except Muslims, who are demanding all other's heads). That's fantastic and can only end well !
The human primate being a herd animal, this generation started with and is now ending the "Boomer"generations, and in its delusional, excessive aspirations it resembles drugged mice, a short overview : google "mouse utopia." DO IT NOW !
Because a static, ideal civilization keeps a species from evolving, it takes their motivation away, making their life subjectively meaningless - so the individuals turn aggressive, and everything changes for the worse, before it can get better again after a decisive breakdown.

In the end, the Frankfurt School postulates that it is reason which makes society, western society (the only one worth mentioning in their view - though they wouldn't dare state that - go wrong and make it turn "inhuman" (which is a misunderstanding). So ratio be damned, says the posh modern hipster Liberal, and gives Islam a chance, a human sociopolitical construct he regards, with some reason, as refreshingly irrational and therefore more "naturally human."
Just as if the human primate weren't only a small part of the planetary fauna, just as if other social species didn't have strictly hierarchical societal structures (and races), just as if ratio wasn't the most humane specialty humanity ever evolved.

In their desire to make western society less ego-business oriented, the Frankfurt School overlooked or just didn't grasp that the destruction Judeo-western scavenger capitalism wrought wasn't a failure of its rationality, because it has none - being composed of sheer greed.
Only ratio, an operationality few humans possess in abundance, could save us from our conundrum and the Frankfurt School is being dispossessed by the prole children it spawned during the 1960s, aggressive forever adolescents influenced by fairy tales of Robin's Hoods and blinded by hate for their ancestors - history repeating itself like a broken record.

The Frankenfurts, ravaged by wartime frustrations, could not foresee that their own successors, slightly deranged and suffering from an entirely different form of oppression, the terror of meaningless opulence, would go on deconstructing western society and after that hopefully human society, even human nature as such in the blindly righteous manner that is so typical for human primates suffering from cognitive dissonance, only to be likely stopped and overwhelmed by an antediluvian belief system that will immediately replace whatever is left of western rationalism with single-minded belief, and in a single spasm of violence may cost humanity centuries of patient step-by-step enlightenment efforts. Stupidity claims its world back, and the troglodyteishly post-progressive western Left is masochistically helping it along with relish.
They would do anything or some authentic emotion !
It may also, stroke of genius, possibly annihilate large parts of planetary evolution by making it subject to a primitive "god rendered it all upon us to eat, destroy and torture" infantile understanding of nature which it may take another few centuries to overcome, if overcoming  such a catastrophe is possible at all.

The irony is they're doing it in step with a commercial elite that hopes to overcome both the descendants of the Frankfurt School and Islam in the name of exactly the same obsessive scavenger capitalism that Marx was initially hoping to fight and deconstruct... and an academic-media-industrial Globalist, partially tribal complex that is forming and manipulating minds and cultures, and that is all set to and in fact already now successfully using both Islam and the semiconscious, mutant descendants of the Frankfurt School as useful idiots in changing the world to their needs and desires.

The elites have a much higher average IQ than any human tribe or race or society on the planet - I can only guess that it must at this time be hovering around 130 or so, which may not impress any individual, but certainly hints at the way Smart Privilege, aided by AI, is going to lead and dominate the human race. Eat your liver, Frankfurt School. Roll over, Karl Marx. And what about Mohammed ? They'll all be spinning in their graves.
It's the Chosen Hipsters who need to be stopped.